Web Design.


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Web Site Top Ten


A short list of the top ten benefits of your own web site.


1. World wide audience - unlike a directory or newspaper the Internet isn’t limited to a town, county or postcode. Your business is on show to a world wide audience.

2. Tell your customers what you do - provide as much detail as you like, or just snippets to grab their attention and get them calling....

3. Tell your customers what you don’t do - often people forget that a web site can tell a customer what you don’t do. Don’t take payments in Euros or open on a Sunday? Let the customer know on your web site and avoid disappointment.

4. A professional image - a web site can enhance your credibility by presenting your business in a clean cut, informative format.

5. A soft sell - most people  have access to the Internet in the office and at home. This means they can see your site at a time convenient to their lifestyle. A relaxed viewing could get you their business unlike a quickly dismissed cold call.

6. Always up to date - a printed brochure gets out of date very quickly and once it’s in the post you can’t change it. A web site can be quickly changed to provide current or changing information.

7. Gather information - add some forms to your site and your customers can provide you with names and addresses.

8. Distribute information - display documents or tables that change regularly on your web site. Instant information for your customers and a saving on printing and postage for you.

9. Cool features - adding features interactive maps to your site means customers get extra benefits from using it. Brownie points for you!

10. Open twenty four hours a day - your web site is there all day every day promoting your business. Potential customers can be finding out about you on bank holidays or in the middle of the night.

Great Ideas

Forget the technological terminology and read our top ten list of how a web site can help your business. There are plenty of benefits ranging from providing up to date information to a constantly available form of advertising. Below we’ve put some together some notes on how the more advanced aspects of a web site can be used in real life.

Flash animation - has numerous uses. Can produce high impact, moving graphics showing products or services your company provides.

Forms - allows a person viewing your web site to fill in details that are then transmitted to you. It’s most general use is a contact form which allows a customer to submit a question to you directly from your web site.

E-Mail shots - designing a marketing campaign can be easy and cost effective. A lot of the work is done when your web site is designed, you simply add details on your latest promotion or seasonal specials. A quality, detailed email is then sent to your customers.